With projected on the ceiling, image can be seen clear and brightly from the watching position,by projected image maybe reflected to target direction with some extent diffusibility restrained.
Ideal setting for ceiling.
Central gain: around 1.9
Image can be seen uniformly from all around direction by projected image maybe reflected spread to all direction equally.
It makes angle of field is wide.
Recently White mat screen become mainstream by projectors functionally high brightness, however conventionally white mat screen not superior in brightness because screen gain is low.
Central gain: around 1
Image can be seen clear and brightly from the normal watching position,by means of a reflects projected image to incident direction on a superfine particle glass beads in surface.
But angle of field becomes narrow, because to some extent diffusibility maybe restrained.
Central gain:1.9`2.6
¡Angle of field
Half angle: angle of screen gain become half
1/3 angle: angle of screen gain become 1/3