Frequently asked questions, AJ-HPX3000 series Memory card camera-recorder


Q1. AUTO KNEE unexpectedly functions even I set "GAMMA MODE SEL" menu to "FILM REC" mode... Is this correct behavior?

AUTO KNEE can manually be turned ON or OFF with the "AUTO KNEE" selector even in FILM REC mode for more flexible operation, in the AJ-HPX3000 series.

AUTO KNEE function is forcedly disabled in AJ-HPX2700/3700 series, P2HD Varicam to faithfully behave like a film camera.

Difference about behavior of AUTO KNEE when set “GAMMA MODE SEL” menu to “FILM REC”.

n P2HD: AJ-HPX3000 series

 è AUTO KNEE can be turned ON with the AUTO KNEE selector.


n P2HD Varicam: AJ-HPX3700 / HPX2700 series

 è AUTO KNEE is forcedly disabled.