Name VariCam Software (Firmware) Update Data
Last Update Apr. 24, 2017
Model AU-V35C1G, AU-V23HS1G, AU-VREC1G
VSI6060Y / 160MB
VSI6043K (for AU-VCVF1 Ver 1.10) /  1.3MB
Expected Time for Update Approx. 60min
© Panasonic Entertainment & Communication Co., Ltd.
Transfer All Rights Reserved
Software This software is update data for the applicable model above.
Content  Ver 7.00-00-0.0x
   RECORDER  :7.00-00-0.01
AU-VCVF1G Ver 1.10
  1. [35 | HS] There is an error in Capture Frame Rate, which is metadata of a clip recorded in VFR mode. This is corrected.

    Occurs with Ver. 7.00-00-0.00 (released in February 2017) and later

     When the system frequency is 23.98p/29.97p/59.94p, the value of Capture Frame Rate (metadata of a VFR-recorded clip) is rounded down and shown as an integer.

      Example 23.98p for SYSTEM & 48fps for VFR
       False: 47 True: 47.95

     Therefore, the motion speed in VFR was not correctly calculated by application software that refers to the metadata.
  2. [35 | HS] Some operations cause E-36 or E-37 system error.
    This problem is fixed.

 [ 35:AU-V35C1, HS:AU-V23HS1 ]

History of release notes
for Upgrade
Copy the update file of the Software (Firmware) to an SD memory card.
Software can be updated using this SD memory card.
Please refer to the procedure in the site.(Printing out of the procedure is recommended.)